Carmen Raff, Miguel Sobrado, edited, Raff CARMEN, SOBRADO Miguel

A Future for the Excluded. Job creation and Income Generation by the Poor, Clodomir Santos the Morais and the Organization Workshop

Clodomir Santos de Morais is to organizational and entrepreneurial literacy what his Brazilian confrere and one time fellow political prisoner, Paulo Freire, is to ordinary literacy. This book introduces for the first time in English the ...

Mark V. Pauly

Health Benefits at Work: An Economic and Political Analysis of Employment-Based Health Insurance

The majority of Americans receive their health insurance for themselves and their families through their job. The employee pays a portion of the premium but the employer chooses the type and amount of coverage offered as well as administers the ...

Don Kalb

Expanding Class: Power and Everyday Politics in the Industrial Communities of North Brabant, 1850-1950 (Comparative and International Working-Class History)

Expanding Class is the study and story of industrial class relations in North Brabant, a Catholic province of The Netherlands, over a hundred-year period. In examining the lives of workers in one of Europe's more idiosyncratic industrial regions, ...

Ronald Turner

The Past and Future of Affirmative Action

Turner provides a comprehensive resource and guide through the maze of preferential treatment doctrine, U.S. Supreme Court decisions relating to affirmative action, and agency regulations and practices. Rather than focus on the moral or ...

<<<  Annette D. Bernhardt, Martina Morris, Mark S. Handcock, ...             J. Edward Ketz, J. Edward Ketz. Hidden Financial Risk: ... >>>

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