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K. Mcpherson Making Video Dance: A Practical Introduction
Since the advent of digital video technology, dance on camera has become an increasingly popular, and important genre of dance. This is the first ever how-to manual for choreographers, dancers and students who want to make dance films.
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Lynn Nottage
Intimate Apparel...
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Kenneth Libbrecht The Little Book of Snowflakes with Note Cards
This holiday set includes The Little Book of Snowflakes , the charming gift book featuring Ken Libbrecht’s amazing microphotographs of actual snowflakes, and 12 notecards featuring more of the magical images from the author’s
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Richard A Harvey, Pamela C Champe, Bruce D Fisher Lippincott's Illustrated Reviews: Microbiology (Lippincott's Illustrated Reviews Series)
Now in full color, Lippincott's Illustrated Reviews: Microbiology, Second Edition enables rapid review and assimilation of large amounts of complex information about medical microbiology. The book has the hallmark features for which
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