David Hornung


This new text connects color theory with its practical application in two-dimensional visual disciplines--graphic design, illustration, painting, textile art, and textile design. Fundamental color concepts are explored in a series of sixteen painted ...

Christopher Green

Picasso: Architecture and Vertigo

The starting point of this exciting new exploration of Picasso is not his life but his work, which is revealed as a series of interventions in the troubled history of early twentieth-century Europe. Christopher Green shows how these ...

Evan Bachner, Wayne Miller (Photographer), Horace Bristol (Photographer), Victor Jorgensen (Photogra

At Ease: Navy Men of World War II

In the years following World War II, images of comradeship, particularly of men being physically close, largely disappeared from the public record. But, as these stunning photographs attest, ordinary American men in the extraordinary circumstances ...

Thomas S. Hines

Richard Neutra: And The Search for Modern Architecture

Richard Neutra's work, his life experience, and his search for modern architecture coincided neatly with the lifespan of the modern movement. He experienced the buoyant struggles of the movement's early years, the heady triumph of its mid-century ...

<<<  Frank Miller. Hell and Back (Sin City, Book 7: Second Edition)             Masami Tsuda. Kare Kano: His and Her Circumstances, Vol. 11 >>>

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