William D. Earls

The Harvard Five in New Canaan: Midcentury Modern Houses by Marcel Breuer, Landis Gores, John Johansen, Philip Johnson, Eliot Noyes, and Others

A virtual tour of thirty-five landmark houses, 1947-1966, built in a quiet New England community. Since the fifties, "the Harvard Five" has been the catchphrase for the five architects featured in this book, who all built houses for ...

Kevin Markey

Secrets of Disney's Glorious Gardens...

Marc Vassallo

The Barefoot Home: Dressed-Down Design for Casual Living

As our personal and professional lives become more demanding and hectic, people have reacted with a more casual, relaxed, and open way of living at home. Kitchens are no longer just for cooking but serve as entertainment hubs; barbeques on the ...

Charles Waldheim

The Landscape Urbanism Reader

With populations decentralizing and cities sprawling ever-outward, twenty-?rst-century urban planners are challenged by the need to organize not just people but space itself. Hence a new architectural discourse has emerged: landscape ...

<<<  Итан Блэк. У Адских Врат             Masami Tsuda. Kare Kano: His and Her Circumstances, Vol. 11 >>>

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