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William D. Earls The Harvard Five in New Canaan: Midcentury Modern Houses by Marcel Breuer, Landis Gores, John Johansen, Philip Johnson, Eliot Noyes, and Others
A virtual tour of thirty-five landmark houses, 1947-1966, built in a quiet New England community. Since the fifties, "the Harvard Five" has been the catchphrase for the five architects featured in this book, who all built houses for
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Kevin Markey
Secrets of Disney's Glorious Gardens...
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Marc Vassallo The Barefoot Home: Dressed-Down Design for Casual Living
As our personal and professional lives become more demanding and hectic, people have reacted with a more casual, relaxed, and open way of living at home. Kitchens are no longer just for cooking but serve as entertainment hubs; barbeques on the
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Charles Waldheim The Landscape Urbanism Reader
With populations decentralizing and cities sprawling ever-outward, twenty-?rst-century urban planners are challenged by the need to organize not just people but space itself. Hence a new architectural discourse has emerged: landscape
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