April Lee Hatfield

Atlantic Virginia: Intercolonial Relations in the Seventeenth Century

Through networks of trails and rivers inland and established ocean routes across the seas, seventeenth-century Virginians were connected to a vibrant Atlantic world. They routinely traded with adjacent Native Americans and received ships from ...

Hitori Nakano

Densha Otoko: Volume 2 (Densha Otoko)

The big day has come! "Train" is out on his date with "Hermess"! But now what? What does he say? What does he do? He's on his own and doesn't have his online support group to guide him through the event. You can be sure that he'll be back on ...

Wendy Wollenberg

Night+Day Chicago (The Cool Cities Series)

Today's Chicago is an exciting city where the nightlife hums, the music scene thrives, the restaurant scene astounds, and the museums are world-class. From the buzzing gallery scene in the River North District to the glorious excesses of the ...

Barbara Janoff, Ruth Cash-Smith

The Graphic Designer's Guide to Better Business Writing

Visual-thinking graphic designers sometimes struggle to express themselves clearly and effectively in writing. Now there’s help! The Graphic Designer’s Guide to Better Business Writing teaches graphic designers how to ...

<<<  The External Dimension of the Euro Area: Assessing ...             Н. Ю. Борякова. Педагогические системы обучения и воспитания ... >>>

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