A Clash of Transitions: Towards a Learning Society

In March 2000, at the European Council meeting in Lisbon, the European Union heads of states set an ambitious goal "to become the most competitive and dynamic knowledge-based economy in the world." Such a goal requires major reforms of the societies ...

Nicholas Shaxson

Poisoned Wells: The Dirty Politics of African Oil

Each week the oil and gas fields of sub-Saharan Africa produce well over a billion dollars’ worth of oil, an amount that far exceeds development aid to the entire African continent. Yet the rising tide of oil money is not promoting ...

Edward E. Sanders, Timothy H. Hill, Donna J. Faria

Understanding Foodservice Cost Control: An Operational Text for Food, Beverage, and Labor Costs (3rd Edition)

This book is the guide to how to maximize revenues, control expenses, and optimize financial objectives. Its practical A?A€A?hands-onA?A€A? approach facilitates immediate application to all types of foodservice operations. Used for ...

Jean A. Dowdall

Searching for Higher Education Leadership: Advice for Candidates and Search Committees (ACE/Praeger Series on Higher Education)

Dowdall's book offers sample documents for candidates as well as for the search committees, and includes a substantive bibliography. From her vantage point outside the institution, Dowdall is able to provide a unique point of view and insightful ...

<<<  Stanley Bing. Rome, Inc.: The Rise and Fall of the First Multinational ...             Н. Ю. Борякова. Педагогические системы обучения и воспитания ... >>>

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