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A Clash of Transitions: Towards a Learning Society
In March 2000, at the European Council meeting in Lisbon, the European Union heads of states set an ambitious goal "to become the most competitive and dynamic knowledge-based economy in the world." Such a goal requires major reforms of the societies
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Nicholas Shaxson Poisoned Wells: The Dirty Politics of African Oil
Each week the oil and gas fields of sub-Saharan Africa produce well over a billion dollars’ worth of oil, an amount that far exceeds development aid to the entire African continent. Yet the rising tide of oil money is not promoting
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Edward E. Sanders, Timothy H. Hill, Donna J. Faria Understanding Foodservice Cost Control: An Operational Text for Food, Beverage, and Labor Costs (3rd Edition)
This book is the guide to how to maximize revenues, control expenses, and optimize financial objectives. Its practical A?A€A?hands-onA?A€A? approach facilitates immediate application to all types of foodservice operations. Used for
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Jean A. Dowdall Searching for Higher Education Leadership: Advice for Candidates and Search Committees (ACE/Praeger Series on Higher Education)
Dowdall's book offers sample documents for candidates as well as for the search committees, and includes a substantive bibliography. From her vantage point outside the institution, Dowdall is able to provide a unique point of view and insightful
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