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J. K. Rowling Harry Potter aur Azkaban ka Qaidi: Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban in Urdu
This is the urdu version of the third book in the hugely popular series. It provides a faithful version of all present or potential readers of Urdu.
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Lark in the Morning : The Verses of the Troubadours, a Bilingual Edition
Book Description Although the troubadours flourished at the height of the Middle Ages in southern France, their songs of romantic love, with pleasing melodies and intricate stanzaic patterns, have inspired poets and song writers ever since, from
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Tony Mitton Cool Cars (Amazing Machines)
Book DescriptionFrom luxury limousines to speedy sports cars, a wide variety of automobiles are featured—all driven by kooky animal characters. Lively rhyming text by the award-winning poet Tony Mitton perfectly complements Ant Parker"s bold,
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Daniel Nichols Applied Programmable Logic Control Lab Manual
Book Description Learning programmable logic controllers (PLCs) can be fun when users are able to make connections with familiar control systems like conveyer belts and traffic lights! This innovative Lab Manual uses projects and examples that are
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