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James A. Hall An Atlas of Breast Disease
Book DescriptionBreast cancer is the most common malignancy found in women. Primary care providers for women, including obstetricians and gynecologists, are often the first to detect abnormalities in their patients' health and are often the source
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Christoph J. Scriba Correspondence of John Wallis: 1641-1659
Book DescriptionThis volume gives a fascinating account of the correspondence of John Wallis, who was a central figure in the scientific revolution in 17th century England. The text gives a unique insight into cultural and political developments in
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Dan Gookin C For Dummies, 2nd Edition
Book Descriptionwhile (dead_horse) beat (): If you’re like most people, the above seems like nonsense. Actually, it’s computer sense—C programming. After digesting C For Dummies, 2 nd Edition,
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Scott Simon Pretty Birds : A Novel
Book DescriptionThe universally respected NPR journalist and bestselling memoirist Scott Simon makes a dazzling fiction debut. In Pretty Birds , Simon creates an intense, startling, and tragicomic portrait of a classic character–a young
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