Sharon E. Brookman

Soap Opera from the Wrong Side of Town

Book Description This is a short little book of poetry, prose, observation, and short life stories. I call it Soap Opera from the Wrong Side of Town. Many of the prose/short stories are both fact and fiction. These little tidbits of life are told ...

JoEllen Koerner

Mother, Heal My Self: An Intergenerational Healing Journey Between Two Worlds

Book DescriptionJoEllen Koerner was raised in a small Mennonite community in South Dakota, became a Civil Rights activist in the South, and rose to prominence as a nurse executive of international repute. None of these life experiences, or her honed ...

David Ellis

Medicinal Herbs and Poisonous Plants

Book Description1918. In the course of his work, the writer comes in contact with a large number of people who are interested in botany as a recreation and a change from their regular work. It is noteworthy with such students that interest in a ...

Art Brownstein

Extraordinary Healing : The Amazing Power of Your Body's Secret Healing System

Book DescriptionThis book reveals the miraculous workings of the human body's least-understood system: the healing system. Dr Brownstein shows how you can rev up your healing system ...

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