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Everett True The White Stripes: and The Sound of Mutant Blues
Book DescriptionIn the past few years, Detroit siblings Jack and Meg White have, in conjunction with a stream of similar-minded bands, revitalized rock music. Learn all about the scene in their hometown of Detroit, as well as the similar music
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Shawn Regan Brain Storms!: Out of a Torrential Past into a Triumphant Future
Book DescriptionAwesome! Inspiring! Surprising is Shawn Regan's spontaneous and emotional journey propelling him back into another time and into the life of John Williams. These baffling excursions, augmented by the hypontic and psychological
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Grace Tiffany Ariel
Book Description Ariel is beautiful and magical, a creator of dreams and of mischief. Sprung from the mind of a dazed sailor shipwrecked in the Bermuda Triangle, she rules half of her enchanted isle, dreaming of the savior from the east who will
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Greg Anthony Iterating Infusion: Clearer Views of Objects, Classes, and Systems
Book Description Iterating Infusion: Clearer Views of Objects, Classes, and Systems is a one-of-a-kind book, not dependent on any single technology. Rather, it provides a way to integrate the most efficient techniques from a variety of
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