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Richard SJ Gough The Weapon Director
Book DescriptionRichard Gough was just 23 years old when the Falklands conflict took place in 1982. He was the youngest weapons director to take part in the conflict, seeing combat onboard the Type 21 frigate, HMS Ardent. Six years later as a
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Adobe Creative Team Adobe Premiere Elements Classroom in a Book (Classroom in a Book)
Book Description Just because you have a small budget doesn't mean you have small aspirations. Now that Adobe is offering under-$100 video editing software in the form of Premiere Elements, you want to take advantage of all of its features, so
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Hayden Carruth Doctor Jazz (Lannan Literary Selections)
Book Description Hayden Carruth, one of the most acclaimed poets of our age, lives his music-finding the perfect low tones of terrible loss and high riffs of family and friendship. "Carruth keeps getting better."- The New Yorker
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Anna Ornstein My Mother's Eyes: Holocaust Memories of a Young Girl
Book DescriptionAuschwitz survivor Anna Ornstein recalls the tragedies of the Holocaust?and the small moments of grace that gave her the strength to endure?in MY MOTHER?S EYES, a triumphant testament to the human spirit. After
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