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Michael George Body Express Makeover : Trim and Sculpt Your Body in Less Than Six Weeks
Book Description The fitness guru of choice for celebrities from Reese Witherspoon and Meg Ryan to Tobey Maguire reveals his secrets for trimming, shaping, and sculpting the body in the shortest time possible. In as little as ten minutes a day in
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Harold Davis Building Research Tools with Google For Dummies (For Dummies (Computer/Tech))
Book DescriptionGoogle—a funny name for a fabulous tool. You’ve already used it to look up all sorts of information on the Web almost instantly. Now what if you could use its amazing abilities to turbo-charge your research on a grand
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William F. Buckley Jr. Last Call for Blackford Oakes (Blackford Oakes Novel)
Book Description Over twenty years ago William F. Buckley Jr. launched the dashing character of Blackford Oakes like a missile over the literary landscape. This newly minted CIA agent--brainy, bold, and complex--began his career by saving the
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Sylvia Hampton Nina Simone: Break Down and Let It All Out
Book DescriptionOne of the last divas of jazz, Nina Simone (1933 - 2003) was one of the finest songwriters and musicians of her day. For over 40 years she and her music defied categorization. Trained as a classical pianist, she performed blues,
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