The Cambridge Companion to Raphael (Cambridge Companions to the History of Art)

Book DescriptionRaphael is a rare painter who was never out of fashion. This book addresses some of the interests of recent scholarship, which has changed the focus from concern with attribution and definition of Raphael's style and the classic ...

William R. Trotter

Priest of Music : The Life of Dimitri Mitropoulos

Book DescriptionImpeccably researched and written with a novelist's narrative mastery, this biography of the great conductor is a modern tragedy. Mitropoulos was a passionate advocate of difficult modern music and an early champion of Mahler; his ...

Curtis Tappenden

Graphic Design Foundation Course (Foundation Course S.)

Book Description The latest in the superb Foundation Course series brings artists the best possible practical instruction on the practice and application of graphic design, which is one of the most popular art-based classes. With this visually ...

Radu Stern

Against Fashion: Clothing as Art, 1850-1930

Book DescriptionThe late nineteenth-century invention of "fashion" as we understand it today inspired avant-garde artists of the period to create an art form to counter commercial fashion. These artists saw clothing not as a symbol of class ...

<<<  Edgar Degas : Defining the Modernist Edge. Book DescriptionThrough ...             Color Influencing Form: A Color Coursebook. Book ... >>>

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