Jeffrey A. Krames

What the Best CEOs Know

Book Description A 2002 Library Journal Best Business Book of the Year The bestselling book that teaches you leadership lessons from top captains of industry What the Best CEOs Know examines the careers ...

Alan Rugman

North American Economic and Financial Integration, Volume 10 (Research in Global Strategic Management)

Book DescriptionThis book contains selected papers first presented at the "Canada-United States Business Conference" held at the Kelley School of Business, Indiana University, on April 11-12, 2003. The set of 18 chapters in this book are ...

Corporate Entrepreneurship and Venturing (International Studies in Entrepreneurship)

Book Description Corporate Entrepreneurship and Venturing is positioned at the crossroads of the strategy and entrepreneurship fields. The common theme is how and why corporate entrepreneurship and corporate venturing can ...

Craig M. Wheeland

Empowering the Vision: Community-Wide Strategic Planning in Rock Hill, South Carolina : Community-Wide Strategic Planning in Rock Hill, South Carolina

Book DescriptionEmpowering the Vision is Rock Hill, South Carolina's award-winning community-wide strategic planning process, which was completed in 1989 and implemented from 1990 to 2000. The experiences of Rock Hill, a city of nearly 50,000 people ...

<<<  James L Gibson. Organizations : Behavior, Structure, Processes             Роберт Асприн, Джоди Линн Най. МИФальянсы >>>

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