Travel, Trade and Power in the Atlantic, 1765-1884 (Camden Fifth Series)

Book DescriptionThe first part of this anthology of historical documents contains the correspondence of Simon Taylor, 1765-1775, on the management of the Jamaican estates of British M.P. Chaloner Arcedekne. It constitutes the most important ...

Milan Kratochvil

Growing Modular : Mass Customization of Complex Products, Services and Software

Book DescriptionThis book is about a practical approach to the Mass Customization of complex products, services and software, namely "Configure-to-Order", the definition of modular product packages and their configuration on demand, to fit ...

Marianne M. Jennings

A Business Tale: A Story of Ethics, Choices, Success and a Very Large Rabbit

Book DescriptionWouldn't it be nice if all executives had a magical rabbit-like the one in the movie Harvey -- following them around reminding them to be ethical? In this charming fable, Aristotle (Ari, for short) is a pooka -- a mythical, invisible ...

John C. Maxwell

The Power of One : One Person, One Rule, One Month

Book Description In this 30-day companion workbook to There's No Such Thing as "Business" Ethics , bestselling author John C. Maxwell demonstrates how we can live with integrity by using the Golden Rule as our standard-in business and in ...

<<<  William J. Mckibbin. Isoquantal Capital Modulation: A Harmonic ...             Роберт Асприн, Джоди Линн Най. МИФальянсы >>>

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