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PhD, Alan D. Wolfelt Healing Grief at Work : 100 Practical Ideas After Your Workplace Is Touched by Loss (Healing Your Grieving Heart series)
Book Description With a gentle and considerate style, this handbook explores what happens when grief and the workplace meet, and the drastic effects of grieving on employees, their performance, and the overall workplace environment. Touching on
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Web Information Systems
Book DescriptionThe Internet is already more widely deployed than any other computing system in history and continues to grow rapidly. New technologies, including high speed wide area network and improved software support for distribution, promise
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Technology, Knowledge And The Firm: Implications For Strategy And Industrial Change
Book DescriptionThere is a long-standing tradition of research that highlights the importance of differences in the organizational and technological capabilities of firms and their effect on economic performance. This book expands on this theme by
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Strategic Marketing in Library and Information Science
Book DescriptionCombine marketing and strategic planning techniques to make your library more successful! With cutting-edge research studies as well as theoretical chapters that have not been seen before in the marketing literature for LIS,
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На главную
Орёл, Кострома, Химки, Тольятти, Хабаровск, Белгород, Липецк, Октябрьский, Уфа, Челябинск, Абакан, Балаково, Тольятти, Миасс,
Общественные науки| Оперы| Исторические боевики| Историческая проза, мифы, легенды| Биология| Дети. Книги для родителей| Отраслевой и специальный бухучет| Физико-математические науки| Технические науки в целом| Исторические личности| Микроэкономика| Бухгалтерский учет. Аудит| Танец. Хореография| Электроника. Танцевальная музыка| Справочная литература по строительству| Самоменеджмент. Сделай себя сам| Автоматика. Радиоэлектроника. Связь| Популярная и нетрадиционная медицина| Право в сфере бизнеса| Маркетинг. Реклама| Экономическая география| Фильмы и видеопрограммы в 3D|
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