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Financial Reporting (International) Standards May 2004 Exam Q&As, First Edition (CIMA May 2004 Q&As)
Book Description * Only publication to include the examiner's suggested answers * Will provide a helpful guide to both students and lecturers in preparing for examinations * Allows students to practice answering exam questions plus
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The Economics and Politics of Accounting: International Perspectives on Research Trends, Policy, and Practice
Book DescriptionAccounting and the role of Accountants has permeated the modern societies. For the most part, we have accepted the impartiality and objectivity of accounting and not recognized how accounting systems are embedded in a country's
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Howard Rankin South-Western Accounting for QuickBooks Pro 2004
Book Description South-Western Accounting with QuickBooks Pro 2004 is your real-world accounting software solution. The text with data CD is compatible with the Multicolumn, General Journal, and Advanced Century 21 texts. It teaches students to
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Charles T. Horngren Accounting 1-18 and Integrator CD (6th Edition)
Book Description This book introduces readers to all of the key financial and management accounting concepts. It motivates learners by familiarizing them with the accounting issues facing companies such as Target, Nantucket Nectars, Teva, Oracle,
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