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Margaret Malewski GenXpat: The Young Professional's Guide To Making A Successful Life Abroad
Book DescriptionGenXpat: The Young Professional?s Guide to Making a Successful Life Abroad is the first guide written for the new generation of young, internationally and culturally mobile professionals. These young professionals from
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Finn Jackson The Escher Cycle : Creating Self-Reinforcing Business Advantage
Book Description This book shows how to achieve virtuoso performance in business. Strategic and practical, the author starts by identifying the key minimum activities that make any business successful. He then shows how becoming better than rivals
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Kenneth Atchity How to Escape Lifetime Security and Pursue Your Impossible Dream: A Guide to Transforming Your Career
Book DescriptionFor the Type C, or creative, personalities who want their work to "fill" their deepest creative urges, this is the frontline guide to making the transition from a secure and soulless job to a life built around a creative dream.
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Tina Paul So You Want to Dance on Broadway
Book DescriptionVeteran performer and choreographer Tina Paul dispels myths and delivers the inside dope about achieving your dream of dancing on Broadway.
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Элиста, Владимир, Дзержинск, Волгодонск, Златоуст,
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