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Key Issues in Organizational Communication
Book DescriptionConsiders the the important changes in technology and globalization in the context of communications, and theorizes the very latest developments.
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Frank W. Jeffe Effects of a Technology Revolution : This Isn't Your Father's Corporate America Anymore!
Book Description Effects of a Technology Revolution paints a realistic picture of what college graduates should expect when entering corporate America and how they can deal with the time pressures of working in today?s corporate
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Gary Johns Organizational Behaviour : Understanding and Managing Life at Work (6th Edition)
Book Description This readable, research-based book contains a somewhat psychological approach that is balanced by engaging business and management features. Clearly presented theory is backed up by real-world cases, discussion questions, and
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Jossey-Bass Man Management Skills : A Jossey-Bass Reader (The Jossey-Bass Business and Management Reader Series)
Book Description Management Skills contains the best thinking from the biggest names in business management on a wide range of subjects including leadership, shaping the work environment, change, communicating, hiring and motivating employees,
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