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Ed Bott Faster Smarter Microsoft Windows XP
From e-mailing photos to creating a digital media library, discover how to use Windows XP - faster, smarter, and better. This friendly, high-energy guide makes it easy to set up e-mail, build a home network, burn CDs, optimize your system, and more.
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Alan R. Carter Windows 2000 MCSE Study System (with CD-ROM)
Microsoft Certified Trainer Alan Carter has been teaching the Microsoft Official Curriculum for more than a decade, and his previous MCSE books have more than 160,000 copies in print. His newly designed, two-color study system--which features fully
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Mark Linsenbardt, Shane Stigler Windows® 2000 Administrator's Handbook
Streamlined for the in-the-trenches use and presented in a small, handy trim size, this shop manual for installing, configuring, and troubleshooting Windows 2000 is an indispensable aid for network administrators. "Just in time" instructions provide
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John M. Gunson II Test Yourself MCSE Designing A Windows 2000 Network (Exam 70-221)
Don't let the real test be your first test! Osborne's MCSE Designing a Windows 2000 Network Test Yourself Practice Exams contains hundreds of practice questions for exam 70-221. The book is organized by official exam objective and contains in-depth
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