Ed Bott

Faster Smarter Microsoft Windows XP

From e-mailing photos to creating a digital media library, discover how to use Windows XP - faster, smarter, and better. This friendly, high-energy guide makes it easy to set up e-mail, build a home network, burn CDs, optimize your system, and more. ...

Alan R. Carter

Windows 2000 MCSE Study System (with CD-ROM)

Microsoft Certified Trainer Alan Carter has been teaching the Microsoft Official Curriculum for more than a decade, and his previous MCSE books have more than 160,000 copies in print. His newly designed, two-color study system--which features fully ...

Mark Linsenbardt, Shane Stigler

Windows® 2000 Administrator's Handbook

Streamlined for the in-the-trenches use and presented in a small, handy trim size, this shop manual for installing, configuring, and troubleshooting Windows 2000 is an indispensable aid for network administrators. "Just in time" instructions provide ...

John M. Gunson II

Test Yourself MCSE Designing A Windows 2000 Network (Exam 70-221)

Don't let the real test be your first test! Osborne's MCSE Designing a Windows 2000 Network Test Yourself Practice Exams contains hundreds of practice questions for exam 70-221. The book is organized by official exam objective and contains in-depth ...

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