Lee Dodds

Don't Panic! You Can Prepare for the Y2K Crisis.

This guide is clearly the average person's "cliff notes" on Y2K preparation! It's brief, it's to-the-point, and it's easy to read. In addition to an explanation of the Year 2000 computer problem, the author provides the 12 most important steps to ...

Harlan Platt

Chipping: The New Stock Market Method for Surviving Turbulence and Hitting a Hole-in-One

Investors have lost a great deal of money for two reason: market turbulence and their belief in investing dogma promulgated by Wall Street such as the buy-and-hold idea. Chipping was written by a noted professor of finance at Northeastern ...

Drew Sellers, Marc Creaghan

PowerPoint 97: Quick Reference Guide

This 4 page, laminated, full-color guide is a fantastic resource for anyone who uses PowerPoint 97! In a concise user-friendly format, it provides step-by-step instructions, short cuts and tips on how to execute the basic commands of the software. ...

Nevada Learning Series, Nevada Learning Series Inc.

PowerPoint 2000

The Nevada quick reference guide is a six page tri-fold in depth summary of 60% of the most commonly asked software questions. They are a well organized, clear and concise training tool valued by the IT profession globally. We are the guide of ...

<<<  Kazutaka Tomizawa. Numerical Simulation of Submicron Semiconductor ...             David A. Sousa. The Leadership Brain: How to Lead Today's Schools More ... >>>

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