Paranoia - A Medical Dictionary, Bibliography, and Annotated Research Guide to Internet References

In March 2001, the National Institutes of Health issued the following warning: "The number of Web sites offering health-related resources grows every day. Many sites provide valuable information, while others may have information that is unreliable ...

Porphyria - A Medical Dictionary, Bibliography, and Annotated Research Guide to Internet References

In March 2001, the National Institutes of Health issued the following warning: "The number of Web sites offering health-related resources grows every day. Many sites provide valuable information, while others may have information that is unreliable ...

Gilly Salmon

E-Moderating: The Key to Teaching and Learning Online

Practical and accessible, E-Moderating is a user's guide to working effectively in the virtual world, covering key areas including: * the why, what, and how of e-moderating * becoming a good e-moderator * the benefits to learners of ...

Julian Stallabrass

Internet Art : The Online Clash of Culture and Commerce

In its brief history, Internet art has moved from being the concern of amateurs to a position of prominence in the art world. The rapidly evolving technology of the Internet drives the art along with it, bringing in its wake revivals of the ...

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