C. Kotropoulos, Ioannis Pitas

Nonlinear Model-Based Image/Video Processing and Analysis

A comprehensive survey of techniques and applications in image and video processing and analysis A widely varied selection of experts provides extensive coverage of nonlinear model-based techniques in image and video processing and analysis. ...

Joseph C. Giarratano, Gary D. Riley

Expert Systems: Principles and Programming, Fourth Edition: Principles and Programming

The new edition of this market-leading text builds upon the blend of expert systems theory and application established in earlier editions. ...

Alison Balter

Microsoft Office Access 2003 in a Snap (SAMS TEACH YOURSELF)

Microsoft Access is a database development and maintenance program, but it can be confusing when trying to learn how to complete the tasks required to create an application. Microsoft Access 2003 In a Snap can quickly show you how to ...

Shirley A. Becker, James A. Whittaker

Cleanroom Software Engineering Practices (Series in Software Engineering Management)

Cleanroom Software Engineering is a set of techniques and practices for the specification, development and certification of software-intensive systems. The Cleanroom method has been used successfully on projects of various sizes and levels of ...

<<<  American Association for Artificial Intelligence (AAAI). AAAI-97: ...             David A. Sousa. The Leadership Brain: How to Lead Today's Schools More ... >>>

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