Philip Scranton

Beauty and Business: Commerce, Gender, and Culture in Modern America (Hagley Perspectives on Business and Culture)

"Until recently, business historians have not yielded to beauty - at least as a subject of scholarly inquiry. But beauty is big business." | o Kathy Peiss, from the Introduction Beauty seems simple; we know it when we see it. But of course ...

Klaus G. Grunert, Hanne Hartvig Larsen, Tage Koed Madsen, Allan Baadsgaard

Market Orientation in Food and Agriculture

What is market orientation in the food sector, and how can food companies become more market-oriented? This book investigates these questions through an empirical study of selected Danish food companies and their activities in three important export ...

Glenn Porter, Harold C. Livesay

Merchants and Manufacturers: Studies in the Changing Structure of Nineteenth-Century Marketing

A unique account of the rise of modern marketing in 19th-century America, showing how growing industrial capacity, market concentration, and advancing technology forced new methods of distribution. ...

Douglas J. Wolf

Crystal Reports 8 for Dummies

Create presentation-quality reports that make a point and make decisions easier. This friendly guide shows you how to design database reports that tell a clear, compelling story -- from simple one-table displays to integrated presentations with all ...

<<<  Peter H. Werner. Teaching Children Gymnastics: A Developmentally ...             David A. Sousa. The Leadership Brain: How to Lead Today's Schools More ... >>>

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