Allan A. Glatthorn

Publish or Perish - The Educator's Imperative: Strategies for Writing Effectively for Your Profession and Your School

Glatthorn guides education professionals through the basics of the writing process, empowering them with the tools to create and enhance their own professional submissions and writings. ...

Gregory Camilli, Lorrie A. Shepard

Methods for Identifying Biased Test Items (Measurement Methods for the Social Sciences, Vol 4)

This book makes clear to researchers what item-bias methods can (and cannot) do, how they work and how they should be interpreted. Advice is provided on the most useful methods for particular test situations. The authors explain the logic ...

Valsa Koshy

Teaching Mathematics to Able Children

This book enables teachers to effectively meet the needs of their most able mathematicians. Using a tried and tested set of principles developed and used by The Able Children's Education Unit at Brunel University, the author demonstrates how to: ...

Robin Eanes

Content Area Literacy: Teaching for Today and Tomorrow

This text focuses on methods for helping teachers develop their students literacy skills to enhance learning of content subject matter across all disciplines. It pulls together some of the most current and popular strategies and techniques in ...

<<<  W. Dean Brown. How to Form a Corporation Llc ...             David A. Sousa. The Leadership Brain: How to Lead Today's Schools More ... >>>

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