Tama J. Shor

Directory of Major Malls - 2001, 22nd edition

Directory containing detailed listings, contact information, physical features, categorized tenant lists, websites and e-mail addresses, visitor traffic counts and siteplans for the over 3,600 major shopping centers and malls in the US and Canada ...

Elaine Biech, Linda Byars Swindling, Elaine Biech, Linda Byars Swindling

The Consultant's Legal Guide

Avoid costly litgation! You'll want to keep this user-friendly overview of legal issues on your desk at all times! This is the only complete "how-to" guide and overview of legal issues you face as a consultant. You'll learn how to make ...

Christopher C. Joyner

The United Nations and International Law

This is a revised edition of a two-volume survey United Nations Legal Order. It provides students and scholars with a text that appraises the contribution made by the United Nations to contemporary international law and the law-creating process. ...

Alan Reynolds

The Microsoft Antitrust Appeal: Judge Jackson's "Findings of Fact" Revisited

A judge's legal ruling can be a complex interaction between facts and laws. However, if a judge bases his ruling on erroneous technological theories, speculation, and forecasts, the final decision will be a wasteland of legal mumbo-jumbo, ...

<<<  Dan Smith, Ane Braein. Penguin State of the World ...             Heidi Collins. Corporate Portals: Revolutionizing ... >>>

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