Ding Lu, Chee Kong Wong

China's Telecommunications Market: Entering a New Competitive Age (Advances in Chinese Economic Studies Series)

Before the 1990s, China?s telecommunications sector was a lackluster monopoly featured by poor-quality service and inadequate capacity. Today the country boasts a dynamic telecommunications industry with the world?s largest communications ...

Jeffrey F. Rayport, Bernard J. Jaworski, Jeffrey Rayport


Once every decade a book comes along that becomes the standard in a field of study, the indispensable reference that every thoughtful practitioner must have on the shelf. Like Samuelson in Economics, Drucker in Management, and Porter in Strategy, ...

Jason Miletsky

Planning, Developing and Marketing Successful Websites

This innovative text provides future developers and designers information on how to think about creating a successful Web Site. Broken down into three sections, this comprehensive book covers the following areas: Planning and Analysis, Designing ...

Ron Kohavi, Foster Provost

Applications of Data Mining to Electronic Commerce

Reprinted from DATA MINING AND KNOWLEDGE DISCOVERY, 5:1-2 Applications of Data Mining to Electronic Commerce brings together in one place important contributions and up-to-date research results in this fast moving area. Applications of Data ...

<<<  Editor John F. Sherry, Jr.. Contemporary Marketing ...             Heidi Collins. Corporate Portals: Revolutionizing ... >>>

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