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Ding Lu, Chee Kong Wong China's Telecommunications Market: Entering a New Competitive Age (Advances in Chinese Economic Studies Series)
Before the 1990s, China?s telecommunications sector was a lackluster monopoly featured by poor-quality service and inadequate capacity. Today the country boasts a dynamic telecommunications industry with the world?s largest communications
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Jeffrey F. Rayport, Bernard J. Jaworski, Jeffrey Rayport E-Commerce
Once every decade a book comes along that becomes the standard in a field of study, the indispensable reference that every thoughtful practitioner must have on the shelf. Like Samuelson in Economics, Drucker in Management, and Porter in Strategy,
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Jason Miletsky Planning, Developing and Marketing Successful Websites
This innovative text provides future developers and designers information on how to think about creating a successful Web Site. Broken down into three sections, this comprehensive book covers the following areas: Planning and Analysis, Designing
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Ron Kohavi, Foster Provost Applications of Data Mining to Electronic Commerce
Reprinted from DATA MINING AND KNOWLEDGE DISCOVERY, 5:1-2 Applications of Data Mining to Electronic Commerce brings together in one place important contributions and up-to-date research results in this fast moving area. Applications of Data
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