Steven Dworman

$12 Billion of Inside Marketing Secrets Discovered Through Direct Response Television Sales

20th Anniversary of Infomercials Marked By Tell-All Book of Industry Secrets Whether you love them or hate them, they?ve become an integral part of our television experience. They?ve told us everything we ever wanted to know about ...

Joe Karbo

The Lazy Man's Way to Riche$: Dyna/Psyc can give you everything in the world you really want!

In 1973, Joe Karbo wrote and published this unique personal guide revealing the secrets that gained him a net worth in excess of $10 million dollars (a lot of money in 1973). Joe sold his book only through direct response advertising...a book ...

Ukraine Export-Import & Business Directory

Ultimate directory for conducting export-import operations in the country. Largest exporters and importers, strategic government and business contacts, selected export-import regulations and more ...

Richard Pomfret

Constructing a Market Economy: Diverse Paths from Central Planning in Asia and Europe

During the 1990s over two dozen countries in Europe and Asia underwent a transition from centrally planned to more market-oriented economies. In Constructing a Market Economy, Richard Pomfret reviews their diverse experiences and assesses the ...

<<<  Susan E. Frost, Angela Lawrence, Miriam Selby, Bruce Bollard. Blueprint ...             Heidi Collins. Corporate Portals: Revolutionizing ... >>>

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