Barbara Brabec

Make It Profitable!

Make It Profitable is a down-home presentation of the best ideas and information from 80 professionals in various fields of the craft industry. ...

Stephen Brown

Marketing: The Retro Revolution

The rise of retro has led many to conclude that it represents the end of marketing, that it is indicative of inertia, ossification and the waning of creativity. Marketing ? The Retro Revolution explains why the opposite is the case, ...

Paul Temporal, K. C. Lee

Hi-Tech Hi-Touch Branding : Creating Brand Power in the Age of Technology

"There?s branding and there?s high-tech branding and the differences are enormous. The authors do a great job in isolating the many important principles of branding in an increasingly high-technology world." Al Ries Chairman, Ries & ...

John E. Richardson, John Richardson

Annual Editions: Marketing 02/03

The articles selected for this reader address marketing theory and application in a wide range of industries. In addition, they reveal how several firms interpret and utilize marketing principles in their daily operations and corporate planning. ...

<<<  J. Paul Peter, Jr, James H Donnelly. Marketing ...             Heidi Collins. Corporate Portals: Revolutionizing ... >>>

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