J. David Viale

Basics of Inventory Management: From Warehouse to Distribution Center (Fifty Minute Series)

This book contains a logistics approach to inventory management?from the warehouse through the distribution system, from the supplier to the customer. Written for managers, it outlines objectives and performance measures pertaining to customer ...

Darien A. McWhirter

Sharing Ownership: The Manager's Guide to ESOPs and Other Productivity Incentive Plans

A practical, how-to guide regarding legal issues and business benefits of ownership incentive plans, especially ESOPs. Describes how they can be used to expand or sell a company, increase productivity, takeover a firm, defend against a takeover and ...

Arthur R. Pell, Arthur, Ph.D. Pell

The Complete Idiot's Guide to Managing People (COMPLETE IDIOT'S GUIDE TO)

Tap the talent and get the most from your team. The solution to every new manager's problems, this fully updated and revised guide shows how to get the most and the best from one's staff and covers leadership, team management, delegation, ...

Gloria E. Bader, Catherine A. Rossi

Focus Groups: A Step-By-Step Guide (3rd Edition)

For those who want to listen and learn from employees and customer groups within an organization, using group interviews, this is a basic guide. It provides sample agendas, checklists, and a case study. Roles and tasks of all those responsible for ...

<<<  Jolyon E. Hallows. The Project Management Office Toolkit             Heidi Collins. Corporate Portals: Revolutionizing ... >>>

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