Robert E. Wright

Hamilton Unbound : Finance and the Creation of the American Republic (Contributions in Economics and Economic History,)

Modern financial theories enable us to look at old problems in early American Republic historiography from new perspectives. Concepts such as information asymmetry, portfolio choice, and principal-agent dilemmas open up new scholarly vistas. ...

Jordi Canals

Universal Banking: International Comparisons and Theoretical Perspectives

In the wake of the drastic changes that have occurred in the world banking industry over the past two decades, Professor Canals's new book addresses several important questions: are universal banks bound to disappear? What is the role of universal ...

Gloria Almeyda

Money Matters: Reaching Women Microentrepreneurs With Financial Services (Tr. Of: Dinero Que Cuenta - Servicios Financieros Al Alcance De LA Mujer miCroempresaria)

Women are key contributors to households, enterprises and community welfare. Yet their economic potential has not been fully realized --in large part because they lack access to productive resources. For women microentrepreneurs, access to ...

John O. Matthews

Struggle and Survival on Wall Street: The Economics of Competition Among Securities Firms

U.S. securities firms are the most competitive in the world and are now facing challenges posed by the internationalization of securities markets. Struggle and Survival on Wall Street provides a comprehensive economic analysis of competition among ...

<<<  Robert Brooks. Building Financial Derivatives Applications ...             Heidi Collins. Corporate Portals: Revolutionizing ... >>>

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