I. Hansen, W. C. Hunter, I. Hasan, W.C. Hunter

Research in Banking and Finance, Volume 1

Hardbound. This volume contains a broad range of papers examining contemporary managerial and public policy issues in finance and banking. Special emphasis is given to financial institutions, instruments, and markets. The volume includes papers ...

Philip McBride Johnson

Derivatives: A Manager's Guide to the World's Most Powerful Financial Instruments

As a corporate manager or executive, you probably have little contact with the actual day-to-day trading of derivatives contracts. Regardless, your oversight responsibilities place your career directly in the hands of aggressive derivatives traders. ...

Aswath Damodaran

Corporate Finance: Theory and Practice

Aswath Damodaran is nationally recognized for his teaching approach, using theory and the models that flow from it to understand, analyze and solve problems. He treats corporate finance as a living discipline by making it much more applied ...

Shannon P. Pratt, Robert F. Reilly, Robert P. Schweihs

Valuing Small Businesses and Professional Practices (Art of M & A)

The classic bestseller on estimating the value of small businesses and professional practices is fully updated and enhanced. While continuing to take readers step-by-step through the valuation process, it now features timely new or significantly ...

<<<  Fc '9, Matthew Franklin. Financial Cryptography: Third ...             Heidi Collins. Corporate Portals: Revolutionizing ... >>>

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