David Card, Richard Blundell, Richard B. Freeman, London School of Economics and Political Science Centre for Economic P, David E. Card

Seeking a Premier Economy: The Economic Effects of British Economic Reforms, 1980-2000 (National Bureau of Economic Research)

In the 1980s and 1990s successive United Kingdom governments enacted a series of reforms to establish a more market-oriented economy, closer to the American model and further away from its Western European competitors. Today, the United Kingdom ...

P.W. Singer

Corporate Warriors: The Rise of the Privatized Military Industry (Cornell Studies in Security Affairs)

As violence spreads in Iraq, many have been stunned by the extensive roles that private firms now are playing in the fighting. In seeking to understand exactly what was going on, ABC, BBC, CBS, CNN, The Economist, Fox News, The New York Times, The ...

Faye J. Crosby

Affirmative Action is Dead; Long Live Affirmative Action

Affirmative action is a much-debated policy, in employment as well as in education, in the Supreme Court as well as on the street. Yet as this book shows, affirmative action is both sensible and effective, differing little from many other government ...

Peter B. Evans, Peter Evans

Embedded Autonomy

In recent years, debate on the state's economic role has too often devolved into diatribes against intervention. Peter Evans questions such simplistic views, offering a new vision of why state involvement works in some cases and produces disasters ...

<<<  Ryuzo Sato, Hajime Hori. Organization, Performance, and Equity: Perspectives ...             Heidi Collins. Corporate Portals: Revolutionizing ... >>>

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