Marco A. Annunziata, Elizabeth Chesla, Brigit Dermott, Margaret Muirhead, Patricia Mulrane, Lauren Starkey, C. Reed

501 Critical Reading Questions

The critical reading section on standardized tests, especially the SAT 1 exam, is often cited as a trouble section for even the best test-takers. Examinees get test-targeted reading comprehension practice questions to score better with ...

Ruth-Ellen Post

Paralegal Internships:: FInding, Managing and Transitioning Your Career

Paralegal Internships is a practical "how-to" guide for pursuing a paralegal internship in a law office, government agency, corporate legal department, courthouse or other law-related setting. It covers all stages of the internship experience, ...

Heidi Smith

How to Pass Numerical Reasoning Tests: A Step-By-Step Guide to Learning the Basic Skills

Numerical reasoning or data interpretation tests are an increasingly popular way of assessing candidates at an early stage of the job application process. They represent a considerable challenge to many and the prospect of facing one can be daunting. ...

Helen Harkness

Don't Stop the Career Clock: Rejecting the Myths of Aging for a New Way to Work in the 21st Century

As legions of baby boomers approach retirement age, this important call to action outlines the steps to thriving as an older worker in a newly defined work world. Dispelling the stereotypes of aging that prevail in our culture, Helen Harkness ...

<<<  Yana Parker. The Damn Good Resume Guide: A Crash Course in Resume Writing ...             Heidi Collins. Corporate Portals: Revolutionizing ... >>>

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