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Robert Lang Adams, Laura Morin The Complete Resume & Job Search For College Students
The Complete Resume & Job Search Book for College Students has the answers to every question relating to resumes. This invaluable resource also provides over forty winning resumes and matching cover letters, quick tips to give your job search
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John Oliver Nelson, Mark Rowh Opportunities in Religious Service Careers
Opportunities in Series * MOST COMPREHENSIVE SERIES. With over 150 titles, students can explore virtually any job opportunity to their heart's content. * FULL CAREER DESCRIPTION. Tells students what each profession is all about and the various job
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Sydney Rice Choice Points: Navigate Your Career Using the Unique PaperRoom Process
What you don't see can hurt you: Hidden habits, unexamined beliefs, and old expectations grow from strategies you've developed to survive. These "silent partners" make change difficult. You feel stuck, trapped in terminal disatisfaction, and hungry
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John T. Stock Ostwald's American Students
In the late 19th century and early 1900s, 400 American students went to Germany for advanced studies of chemistry with the celebrated physical chemist Wilhelm Ostwald. The students, with their Ph.D.s from the University of Leipzig, returned to
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