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Sue C Camp Developing Proofreading and Editing Skills
Developing Proofreading and Editing Skills 4e by Camp provides instruction and applications designed to sharpen skills in detecting and correcting errors in written communications including memos, letters, reports, email messages, databases,
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Jo Condrill, Jo Condrill 101 Ways to Improve Your Communication Skills Instantly, third printing, revised
Have you ever blown a deal, a job interview, a promotion, or a relationship because you just couldn't think of the right words to say? Have you ever agonized over what you would've, could've, or should've said? 101 Ways to Improve Your
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Barbara J. Streibel The Manager's Guide to Effective Meetings
Now translated into 11 languages! This reader-friendly, icon-rich series is must reading for all managers at every level All managers, whether brand new to their positions or well established in the corporate heirarchy, can use a
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Anders Gronstedt The Customer Century : Lessons from World Class Companies in Integrated Communications (Routledge Corporate Communication Series)
Say goodbye to the production century. Savvy and all-powerful consumers are at the helm. Based on hundreds of hours of in-depth interviews with senior marketing and corporate communications managers from top companies such as Federal Express,
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