A. S., Ph.D. Tolbert

Reversing the Ostrich Approach to Diversity: Pulling your head out of the sand

Reversing the Ostrich Approach to Diversity: Pulling your head out of the sand -- is a timely answer to the renewed urgency for diversity information, and quick implementation of action. Presenting five, simple concepts for diversity awareness, ...

Gifford Pinchot, Elizabeth Pinchot

The Intelligent Organization: Engaging the Talent & Initiative of Everyone in the Workplace

Gifford and Elizabeth Pinchot confront head-on the key organizational issues that are threatening the very existence of today's corporations. They assert that "bureaucracy is no more appropriate to the information age than serfdom was to the ...

Brian McNaught

Gay Issues in the Workplace (Stonewall Inn Editions)

What gay people want and need The cost of anti-gay behavior How to respond to people who quote the Bible Making allies of heterosexual coworkers ...

Alex Hiam

Taming the Conflict Dragon: Mastering Obstacles to Collaboration in the Workplace & in Life

An enchantingly helpful way for readers to improve their ability to resolve conflicts of all sorts, both at work and in their lives in general. ...

<<<  Peter Senger, Carlos Gardini. La quinta disciplina: el arte y ...             Алессандро Барикко. Шелк >>>

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