Ray Marshall, Marc Tucker

Thinking for a Living: Education and the Wealth of Nations

This is the first book to address head-on the issue of the appalling mismatch between what our economy needs and what our educational institutions actually provide. ...

Tad Crawford

The Secret Life of Money: How Money Can Be Food for the Soul

The Secret Life of Money leads readers on a fascinating journey to uncover the sources of our monetary desires and, by understanding why money has the power to obsess us, free ourselves from destructive patterns and discover riches of the soul. ...

Simon Johnson

The Collected Papers of Franco Modigliani, Vol. 5: Savings, Deficits, Inflation, and Financial Theory

These two volumes bring together articles, commentaries, and excerpts by Nobel Prize winning economist Franco Modigliani published from the late 1970s to 1989. The 11 essays collected in Volume 4 focus on money and inflation and on ...

Deirdre N. McCloskey

The Secret Sins of Economics

Deirdre McCloskey's work in economics always calls into question its reputation as "the dismal science." She writes with passion and an unusually wide scope, drawing on literature and intellectual history in exciting, if unorthodox, ways. In ...

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