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Marvin Olasky Compassionate Conservatism: What it is, What it Does, and How it Can Transform America
Compassionate conservatism is a new political force in the land, sweeping the grassroots of people of all faiths, races, and ethnicities. In its parts it offers solutions to many of our most intractable problems; in its whole it is nothing less
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Bruno S. Frey, Alois Stutzer Happiness and Economics: How the Economy and Institutions Affect Human Well-Being.
Curiously, economists, whose discipline has much to do with human well-being, have shied away from factoring the study of happiness into their work. Happiness, they might say, is an ''unscientific'' concept. This is the first book to establish
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Rudiger Dornbusch Exchange Rates and Inflation
Collected for the first time in Exchange Rates and Inflation, twenty-two articles are gathered in four parts covering exchange rate theory, special topics in exchange rate economics, equilibrium real exchange rates, and inflation and stabilization.
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Forecasting in Business and Economics
This thoroughly revised second edition of an upper-level undergraduate/graduate text describes many major techniques of forecasting used in economics and business. This is the only time series book to concentrate on the forecasting of economic data
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