Marvin Olasky

Compassionate Conservatism: What it is, What it Does, and How it Can Transform America

Compassionate conservatism is a new political force in the land, sweeping the grassroots of people of all faiths, races, and ethnicities. In its parts it offers solutions to many of our most intractable problems; in its whole it is nothing less ...

Bruno S. Frey, Alois Stutzer

Happiness and Economics: How the Economy and Institutions Affect Human Well-Being.

Curiously, economists, whose discipline has much to do with human well-being, have shied away from factoring the study of happiness into their work. Happiness, they might say, is an ''unscientific'' concept. This is the first book to establish ...

Rudiger Dornbusch

Exchange Rates and Inflation

Collected for the first time in Exchange Rates and Inflation, twenty-two articles are gathered in four parts covering exchange rate theory, special topics in exchange rate economics, equilibrium real exchange rates, and inflation and stabilization. ...

Forecasting in Business and Economics

This thoroughly revised second edition of an upper-level undergraduate/graduate text describes many major techniques of forecasting used in economics and business. This is the only time series book to concentrate on the forecasting of economic data ...

<<<  Peter Hoffmann. Tomorrow's Energy: Hydrogen, ...             Алессандро Барикко. Шелк >>>

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