Liah Greenfeld

The Spirit of Capitalism: Nationalism and Economic Growth

The Spirit of Capitalism answers a fundamental question of economics, a question neither economists nor economic historians have been able to answer: what are the reasons (rather than just the conditions) for sustained economic growth? Taking her ...

Robert J. Aumannn, Sergiu Hart

Handbook of Game Theory with Economic Applications Volume 3

Hardbound. This is the third and last volume of the Handbook of Game Theory with Economic Applications. Since the publication of multi-Volume 1 a decade ago, game theory has continued to develop at a furious pace, and today it is the dominant tool ...

Asian Development Bank

Road Funds and Road Maintenance: An Asian Perspective

Singling out roads as an important factor in economic development, this report presents the findings of a regional technical assistance inquiry carried out to examine the problem of road funding in Asia with the aim of proposing case-specific ...

Y. Y. Kueh, Y.Y. Kueh

Agricultural Instability in China, 1931-1991: Weather, Technology, and Institutions (Studies on Contemporary China)

In a detailed and innovative account, Y.Y. Kueh provides a scholarly and authoritative study of the performance of the agricultural sector of the Chinese economy over the past sixty years. Based on detailed statistical data and other source ...

<<<  Ravil Bukharaev. The Model of Tatarstan: Under President Mintimer Shaimiev             Алессандро Барикко. Шелк >>>

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