Thomas M. Callaghy, John Ravenhill

Hemmed In

Provides a critical examination of African and international responses to Africa's economic decline of the last two decades, especially the links between economics and politics. ...

H. Katrak, Roger Strange, Homi Katrak

Small-Scale Enterprises In Developing And Transitional Economies

This book considers the role played by Small-Scale Enterprises (SSEs) in the development strategies of developing and transitional economies in a changing global context. Analysis is based on research undertaken in Africa, Asia, South America and ...

International Business Publications, USA

Antigua and Barbuda Country Study Guide (World Country Study Guide Library)

Geography, history, people, language, culture, traditions, economy, government, politics, constitution, places to visit, info for travelers… ...

Baldev Raj Nayar

Globalization and Nationalism: The Changing Balance in India's Economic Policy, 1950-2000

This book provides a new approach to the understanding of economic policy reform by placing it in the context of the perennial conflict between the two historical social forces of economic globalization and economic nationalism and examines ...

<<<  Kamal Malhotra, United Nations Development Program. Making Global Trade Work ...             Алессандро Барикко. Шелк >>>

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