Stephen C. Young

The Emergence of Ecological Modernisation: Integrating the Environment and the Economy? (Environmental Politics)

This book focuses on the attempts to "green" economies in advanced industrial societies, from the early debates of the 1970s through the new approach which has emerged in this decade. The essence of this approach, encapsulated in the phrase, ...

Donald G. Reid

Tourism, Globalisation and Development: Responsible Tourism Planning

Tourism is booming worldwide--it makes up a massive part of the global economy. Donald G. Reid's book focuses on tourism in developing and less-developed countries. He examines its social and environmental impact and offers a timely critical ...

Dorothy J. Solinger

Contesting Citizenship in Urban China: Peasant Migrants, the State, and the Logic of the Market (Studies of the East Asian Institute.)

Post-Mao market reforms in China have led to a massive migration of rural peasants toward the cities. Officially denied residency in the cities, the over 80 million members of this "floating population" provide labor for the economic boom in urban ...

Jonathan M. Harris, Timothy Wise, Kevin Gallagher, Neva R. Goodwin, Tufts University Global Development and Environment Institute

A Survey of Sustainable Development: Social and Economic Dimensions (Frontier Issues in Economic Thought (Paperback))

Perpetual economic growth is physically impossible on a planet with finite resources. Many concerned with humanity's future have focused on the concept of "sustainable development" as an alternative, as they seek means of achieving current ...

<<<  Robert Baldwin, Martin Cave. Understanding Regulation: ...             Алессандро Барикко. Шелк >>>

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