Joe Sherman

In the Rings of Saturn

In this compelling, readable narrative, Joe Sherman explores virtually every aspect of the Saturn project, America's biggest and most publicized industrial success of the last decade. Here is the whole story--Saturn's mysterious beginnings inside ...

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The Disney Way Fieldbook: How to Implement Walt Disney?s Vision of ?Dream, Believe, Dare, Do? in Your Own Company

Business people around the world raved about The Disney Way and Fortune proclaimed it, "so useful you may whistle while you work." Now, authors Bill Capodagli and Lynn Jackson are back to deliver a comprehensive, step-by-step ...

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Warren Buffett Speaks : Wit and Wisdom from the World's Greatest Investor

The world takes note when WARREN BUFFETT SPEAKS: "If people want to improve their investing skills, it has to help to study how the Master does it. This short book outlines Buffett's philosophy and techniques." —Peter S. Lynch, Vice ...

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Chicken Soup for the Working Woman's Soul: Humorous and Inspirational Stories to Celebrate the Many Roles of Working Women

Whether she is a corporate executive or a factory worker, an entrepreneur or a "mompreneur," today's woman is an integral part of the workforce and the American Dream. Women have made inroads in many professions that were once the domain of only men ...

<<<  Alfred D., Jr. Chandler, Stephen Salsbury. Pierre S. Du Pont and ...             Алессандро Барикко. Шелк >>>

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