David G. Cotts, Edmond P. Rondeau

The Facility Manager's Guide to Finance and Budgeting

Leaky faucets and cracked pavement aren't the only demands on a facility manager's time and energy. These days, they also need top-notch financial skills--to sell their department to senior management, to win funds for crucial projects, to become ...

Ray H Garrison, Eric Noreen

Student Lecture Aid for use with Managerial Accounting

Much like Ready Notes, this booklet offers a hard-copy version of all of the Teaching Transparencies. Students can annotate the material during the lecture and take notes in the space provided. ...

Juergen H. Daum

Intangible Assets and Value Creation

With the use of practical in-depth case studies and interviews with leading experts in the field, this book analyses the key elements in value creation in the new age. It provides practical guidance to organisations that will allow them to migrate ...

Arnold C. Harberger, Glenn P. Jenkins

Cost-Benefit Analysis (International Library of Critical Writings in Economics)

Cost-Benefit Analysis presents an authoritative collection of the most important published articles in the field together with an extensive new introduction by the editors. While focusing on the practical side, looking at applications such as ...

<<<  Timothy F. Carse, Jeffrey Slater. The Payroll Toolkit Nuts ...             Алессандро Барикко. Шелк >>>

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