Ron Wells

Global Credit Management : An Executive Summary (The Wiley Finance Series)

In many companies credit management is a passive and reactive discipline. This results in significant receivables assets weighing heavily on balance sheets, dragging down cash flow and inhibiting growth. The power of credit is shackled, muted. ...

Mary Queen Donnelly

On Your Own: A Personal Budgeting Simulation

This simulation depicts a recent high school graduate finding out what it means to be On Your Own financially. The simulation presents the process of opening a checking account, renting an apartment, applying for credit, looking for a job, buying a ...

Laixiang Sun

Aggregate Behaviour of Investment in China, 1953-96: An Analysis of Investment Hunger and Fluctuation (Institute of Social Studies S.)

In China, aggregate investment levels have been high and the cycles of investment growth rate have been remarkable. In order to reveal the mechanisms which drive investment hunger and cycles, this book develops an integrated growth-cycle ...

Harold R. Evensky

Wealth Management: The Financial Advisor's Guide to Investing and Managing Your Client's Assets

``Harold's diligent and scholarly approach to investing theory makes Wealth Management a thoughtful book that should be on every advisor's reading list.''--Charles R. Schwab, Chairman & CEO, The Charles Schwab Corporation. Wealth Management outlines ...

<<<  William Webster. Accounting for Managers (Briefcase Books Series)             Алессандро Барикко. Шелк >>>

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