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Lee Hammond Lifelike Drawing With Lee Hammond
Popular author Lee Hammond is the queen of drawing instruction. In this latest book, she shows readers exactly how to make their work more lifelike and realistic. Even complete beginners can get fast results with: * An encouraging "You Can Do
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The Pencil Box: A Treasury of Time-Tested Drawing Techniques And Advice
Almost all artists have room for improvement when it comes to drawing, the fundamental skill of all realistic art. Now they can tap the proven techniques and collective drawing wisdom of more than a dozen of The Artist Magazine's and North Light
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Carol Beckwith, Angela Fisher Faces of Africa
Faces of Africa is for everyone who loved African Ceremonies, but longs for more of Beckwith and Fisher's unique eye on Africa and the faces of its beautiful inhabitants. Structured by theme, the book looks at portraits of people who are painted,
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Jacques Bosser Gardens in Time
Ambitious in scope and a wonder to examine, Gardens in Time captures two millennia of garden history between its covers. The follow-up to world-renowned photographer Alain Le Toquin's successful The Most Beautiful Gardens in the World,
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