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Jim Toomey A Day at the Beach: The Ninth Sherman's Lagoon Collection
Sherman the dim-witted shark and his cast of characters in Sherman's Lagoon provide enough laughs for a barrel of monkeys, not that they've ever seen any. The Lagoonies, as they're known to regular comic strip readers, are a motley crew-mostly of
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Lynn Haller, Cheryl Dangel Cullen, Industrial Designers Society of America Design Secrets: Products 2: 50 Real-Life Projects Uncovered
Fifty design projects are shown in detail from concept to completion and all the stages in-between for a real behind the scenes look that uncovers the design process that produced the end-result. These products are the winners of the Industrial
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Kiki Eldridge 1,000 Bags, Tags, & Labels: Distinctive Designs for Every Industry
When attempting to create a bag, tag, or label design that is strong in every respect, you are contending with some of the world's best designers. To compete in this league, you have to know your competition. Finally, here is a book in which you
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Lou Lv, Zhang Huiguang The T-Shirt: A Collection of 500 Designs
Perhaps the ultimate icon of this generation, the T-shirt originated from tea and shirts. The history claims that seventeenth-century workers downloading tea boxes from boats in the harbor of Annapolis in the US wore a kind of short sleeve shirt
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