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Anthony Taylor The Future Was F.A.B.: The Art Of Mike Trim
Mike Trim, who started out building models for Thunderbirds quickly turned his talents as a painter and designer to creating the fantastic sets and machines that populated the worlds of the Andersons' science fiction offerings of the 1960s and
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Madeleine Grynsztejn The Art of Richard Tuttle
Over the past four decades, Richard Tuttle has thrown into question nearly every conceivable artistic convention and critical category to create an enormously inventive body of abstract work?one that embraces and intermingles drawing, painting,
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Annette Messager: Word for Word: Texts, Writings, And Interviews
Texts and words are of crucial importance to Annette MessagerAs work--for her, A¬words are images.A® And so words--at once autonomous from, parallel to, and the sources of her visual creativity--are woven throughout her production. She has looked
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Raphael Masson, Veronique Mattiussi Rodin
Rodin, the first authoritative monograph from the MusA©e Rodin, is written by the museum's leading experts, with a foreword from its director. All facets of the artist's life and art are explored in chapters that cover the artistic context of
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