Gideon Defoe

The Pirates! In an Adventure with Communists: A Novel

London, 1840: Wagner’s latest opera plays to packed houses while disgruntled workers gather in crowded pubs to eat ice cream and plan the downfall of the bourgeoisie. And the Pirate Captain––his disguise proving something of a ...

Janette Oke

Beyond the Gathering Storm, repack (Canadian West)

Henry--a Canadian Mountie like his father--struggles between the call of duty and the call of his heart. When he informs a young logger's wife of her husband's death, the memory of that loss haunts him for years. Assigned to a new beat five years ...

Jerry Griswold

Feeling Like a Kid: Childhood and Children's Literature

In this engaging and reflective essay, Jerry Griswold examines the unique qualities of childhood experience and their reappearance as frequent themes in children's literature. Surveying dozens of classic and popular works for the young -- from ...

Julia Quinn, Karen Hawkins

Lady Whistledown Strikes Back

Who Stole Lady Neeley's Bracelet? Was it the fortune hunter, the gambler, the servant, or the rogue? All of London is abuzz with speculation, but it is clear that one of four couples is connected to the crime. ...

<<<  John Reibetanz. Transformations             А. П. Чехов. А. П. Чехов. Полное собрание сочинений. Том 22. Повести ... >>>

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