The Digital Business Ecosystem

By bringing together elements of a radical new approach to the firm based on a biological metaphor of the ecosystem, this unique book extends the limits of existing theories traditionally used to investigate business networks. The book ...

Empirical Entrepreneurship in Europe: New Perspectives

This book embodies the ever-increasing scope and depth of empirical entrepreneurship research in Europe. Contributors from different disciplinary backgrounds within the business field - including finance, management, and entrepreneurship, and ...

Susan Griffith

Work Your Way Around the World, 13th

The thirteenth edition of the unique and acclaimed guide for the working traveller that explains how to find temporary work around the world not only in advance but also when on the spot while travelling. It incorporates hundreds of ...

Colin Poole

Tonle Sap: The Heart of Cambodia's Natural Heritage

Colin Poole examines all aspects of Tonle Sap, Cambodia's Great Lake: its environment, fauna, history, culture and its beauty, all shown through evocative and memorable photographs, encouraging visits! ...

<<<  Gareth John Parry, Joel S. Steinberg. Guillain-Barre Syndrome: From Diagnosis ...             А. П. Чехов. А. П. Чехов. Полное собрание сочинений. Том 22. Повести ... >>>

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